
I AM HOME Screens

I designed two covers to represent the title of I AM HOME. The first was created in response to my prospectus, the second image is the one I chose to show on the main menu screen of the visual novel. The font has stayed the same between both because I really admired the design and style of the typography it showed. In the first image, I really likes the high brightness and reddish saturation effect, it illuminates the theme of blood as well as the white light foreshadowing death? or a flashlight shining? It makes the viewer wonder. For the second image, I was experimenting with the blood effect paintbrush that I had installed onto my Adobe Photoshop software. I then created a random splodge of blood effects then added a dark greyish textured brush into the black background, creating a dramatic effect. I personally felt this image was more effective as the main theme for my visual novel rather than the bright first image.