
What is 'I AM HOME'?

I AM HOME is an interactive visual novel (VN) that I am developing for my Final Major Project at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. The themes I wanted to explore are:

-Psychological Horror

The year before I had produced an experimental visual novel with a sci-fi, space theme/genre. For this project, I want to use my skills in coding, art design, music design, story writing and cinematography to put together an eerie horror game that brings out my talents.

Why the name 'I AM HOME'?

After being inspired by a variety of things:

-Doki Doki Literature Club VN
-The Letter VN
-The folktale of Kikimora in slavic mythology

These helped shape the direction of where I wanted to take my own VN and its story narrative.

Using transitions and effects within the coding to produce an effective scene.