
Coding Preparation Area

The following screenshots show the beginning of the coding script in which all images are referenced from the game folder, like an image library. This method allows for orderly viewing rather than placing them randomly throughout the script. Each art type is sectioned accordingly.

Background and Character assets are written as: image [artname] = "[artname].jpg/.png".

Character names are referenced in the second screenshot as: define [name] = character('[name]', color="[colourhexcode]"). Within the game, when a character speaks their line, their name box will appear, and in the colour defined.

Near the end of the second screenshot, I have added an opening disclaimer text that plays just after my logo and Ren'Py's logo. This is to warn younger audiences and people who are easily disturbed that my visual novel has content that will be of debate/concern. It will then force the player to manually click the 'I Agree' button in order to proceed towards the main menu screen.