
Story Structure and Script

My visual novel story narrative is structured into sections that takes the player through an engaging, intense script. I will discuss here what the story idea is and what elements have made the narrative interactive for the player.

Introduction Scene:

Revealing where the main female character (MC) is at present. The scene and location is set in a dense Siberian forest under a rainstorm at night. The player will learn of the MC's predicament and a bit about her backstory. Here the MC will meet a stranger, pretty much the only real character (apart from the MC) within the present time.

Ghost Story Scene:

From here, the MC tells the stranger a ghost story during their long road trip. The player will get to name the Secondary Main Character (SMC) of this story. In this story, the player will get a thrill from the tension and scenarios shown and told.

Town Scene:

During this period, the player is back in the present time of the story, having arrived at the abandoned town location with the stranger. They part ways and the player resumes following the MC as they explore the town, make choices and receive logs and news from the mail box. Increased eerie atmospheres and dark themes will increase, leaving a nerving yet curious trail.

End Scene:

In the final few scenes, the player will begin to learn the truth behind the ghost story as well as the present time situation, coming to a conclusive ending that delves into reality and fiction.

Choice examples:

Examine the Medical Clinic. ---> Scene change to clinic. Different sounds and dialogue.

Examine the Apartments. ---> Scene change to apartment room. Interior sounds. Quieter music.

Examine the Tech Store. --->  Scene change. Different text and music, transitions.

Several choices will lead to new and different text but will not change the story line drastically due to time constraint.