
Mailbox GUI Design

This image screen appears when the player clicks on the top-right corner of the screen. It will open a mailbox screen in which the player will receive messages, news and logs as they progress through the story. 

The design is to represent a futuristic Holographic-like tablet, by the fictional corporation called 'Invicta Industries'. (A corp that I wish to reuse through various future projects). In order to concept this design, I had to download a mailbox template from the Ren'Py engine, then open it within Adobe Photoshop. It was scaled to the correct resolution and pixels, allowing me to just change the visuals rather than messing about with the measurements. Once that was done, it was a simple drag and replace into my game asset folder.

The game setting remains like modern reality, however there are a few technological advancements through the use of mobile communication and tablet devices.